Minot Daily News

The Minot Daily News is a newspaper printed in Minot, North Dakota. It was originally the Burlington Reporter, and was published out of Burlington until the early 20th century. It was at that time that it was transformed into the newspaper that is currently published.

It is the primary daily paper for north central and northwest North Dakota. Its average daily circulation is 21,848 on Sundays and 20,974 on weekdays.

The paper's editorial viewpoint is conservative to libertarian. In the past its coverage of the North Dakota legislature was unequaled, but in recent years the Bismarck Tribune has taken over the bulk of primary reporting of the session.

According to their website, the Daily news "serves the readers of North Central North Dakota including Ward County and the Minot Air Force Base, home to B-52H Stratofortress bombers and the 5th Bomb Wing and the 91st Missile Wing."

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